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- Published on Thursday, 30 June 2016 17:01
Some of our recent works
Subject | Delivery date |
Methodological support for the introduction of priority projects' supervision for the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme 2014-2020 | December 2015 |
Study on the global market of electric fast-charging solutions for a large energy company | December 2015 |
Expert support to a cluster organisation in the ESCA labelling process in the project entitled "ACE - Achieving Cluster Excellence" in the framework of the call "Towards World-Class Clusters: Promoting Cluster Excellence (No. 62/G/ENT/CIP/13/C/N04C031) published in the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme of the European Commission | November 2015 |
Expert services related to the ELI-ALPS major project (EDOP-5.1.2-11/K-2014-0002) | November 2015 |
Development of price control mechanism methodology supporting the project selection and grant agreement amendment phase of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme at the Deputy State Secretariat Responsible for the Management of Economic Development Programmes | November 2015 |
Drawing up a measure map and intervention logic concept for the 2014-2020 operational programmes of Hungary in the project entitled "Analysis of the national industrial energy efficiency potential for assisting the programming of the 2014-2020 ESIF sources (EEOP-7.9.0/12-2013-0031)" | September 2015 |
"Benchmark analysis and concept design about the role of clusters in the higher education through domestic and European examples" in the project entitled "University of Technology shifting gears - Setting up a novel institutional structure, SME Competence- and Knowledge Development Centre in the Central-Transdanubian Region" (SROP-4.2.1.D-15/1/KONV-2015-0008 ) | September 2015 |
Expert analysis entitled "Spread and functioning of solar cell systems in practice for a largy energy company | September 2015 |
Feasibility study examining the "creation of a condition system of settlement factors favouring start-up and spin-off activities and companies" in the project entitled "SCIENCE PARK; Development of knowledge transfer of Eger and its surroundings" (SROP-4.2.1.C-14/1/KONV-2015-003) | July 2015 |
Expert services related to the preparatory activities of the closure of the Economic Deveopment Operational Programme (EDOP) for the EDOP Managing Authority | June 2015 |
Designing a call for proposals fitting Priority Axis No. 3 of the Economic Development and Operational Programme (EDOP 2007-2013) on behalf of a sectorial association for the support of SMEs executing IT-related projects to assist teir EU market entry and their successful participation in HORIZON2020 | March 2015 |