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- Published on Thursday, 31 March 2016 19:10
The project proposal “Access to Microfinance for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” (ATMforSMEs) submitted for the INTERREG Europe Program received its final approval. The overall objective of the project is to improve the implementation of policies addressing enterprise development or sustainable employment in the participating regions, so that they can contribute to a better access to local microfinance programs for SMEs and self-entrepreneurs. The project will enable regional authorities and business development organizations to develop adequate local responses to one of the key obstacles that start-ups and self-entrepreneurs are facing, i.e. the lack of credit, business development services, and financial exclusion. The project is led by Fejér Enterprise Agency in Hungary and is composed by a broad partnership including the following organisations:
• Ministry for National Economy Deputy State Secretariat Responsible for Implementing Economic Development Programs (HU)
• European Business and Innovation Centre of Burgos (CEEIBurgos) (ES)
• KIZ SINNOVA company for social innovation GmbH (DE)
• Zala County Foundation for Enterprise Promotion (HU)
• Autonomous Region of Sardinia Regional Department for Planning (IT)
• PORA Regional Development Agency of Podravina and Prigorje for Promotion and Implementation of Development Activities in Koprivnica Krizevci County (HR)
• Microfinance Norway (NO)
• Świętokrzyskie Region – Marshal Office of Świętokrzyskie Region (PL)
• European Microfinance Network - EMN aisbl (BE)
Tenderix will participate in the project as one of the local stakeholder group members of the Ministry for National Economy, Hungary. In this capacity, Tenderix will contribute to local activities with its expertise in financial instruments and will take part in certain transnational events of the project. We wish a successful implementation for the project!