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- Published on Thursday, 08 September 2016 06:06
The Ministry for National Economy, Hungary project partner in the INTERREG Europe project ATMforSMEs organised the 1st local stakeholder group meeting in Budapest on 30 August 2016. Tenderix Consulting and Research is a member of the local stakeholder group. Representatives of policy making bodies, academia and research and concerned financial institutions participated at the lively event. Ministry officials provided an introduction to the recently launched project and spoke about the relevance of the local stakeholder group. One of the most important current tasks is the identification of local good practices that would be offered as a learning experience to the ATMforSMEs project partnership. Participants proposed a number of practices from the vast implementation experience related to Priority Axis 4 (Financial instruments) of the Economic Development and Operational Programme from the 2007-2013 programming period.